2011 | Pope John Paul II Order for merits to the Archdiocese of Cracow
2010 | Centenary Award (Laur 100-lecia) of the Silesian Association of Choirs (Związek Śląskich Kół Śpiewaczych)
2009 | 750th Anniversary Medal of the church of Nativity of the Blessed Mary in Głubczyce
2005 | Distinction granted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for special merits for the promotion of Polish musical culture
2002 | Silver Pipe (Srebrna Piszczałka) – award granted by the Primate of Poland
2001 | The Wojciech Korfanty Award
2000 | Prize granted by Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage for outstanding achievements in arts and education
2000 | Medal of the Commission of National Education (Komisja Edukacji Narodowej) granted by the Minister of National Education for outstanding achievements in education
2000 | The Stanisław Moniuszko Award
1995 | Golden badge of merits for the services for University of Silesia (Uniwersytet Śląski)
1994 | Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta
1994 | Prize of the President of Katowice for achievements in culture
1989 | Badge of merits for the services for the region of Legnica
1987 | Prize of Poland’s Prime Minister for artistic work for children and young people
1987 | Individual Prize of the Minister of Culture and Art of 2nd Degree
1986 | The Stanisław Ligoń Prize granted by Radio Katowice
1986 | Cup of Silesian Polyhymnia (Puchar Śląskiej Polihymnii) for choral works
1985 | Medal granted by the Silesian branch of Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr (Union of Choirs and Orchestras) for activity in choral movement
1984 | Prize of the Festival of Polish Choral Music
1982 | Prize of Silesian Insurrectionary Wings (Nagroda Trzech Powstańczych Skrzydeł)
1979 | Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta
1970 | Golden badge of merits for services for the region of Katowice
1964 | Second prize in the National Composers Competition
1961 | Prize in Grzegorz Fitelberg Composers Competition for Concertino da camera